Meet Photo Contest Grand Prize Winner Marcia Rieder

Portrait of grand prize winner of the 2024 Scuba Diving Through Your Lens Photo Contest.
Grand Prize
Marcia Riederer
Where are you from?
I am from Brazil and currently live in Victoria, Australia.
How long have you been shooting photos?
I got my first underwater housing about seven years ago, after doing land-based photography for a while.
How long have you been diving?
I did my open water about 13 years ago but started diving more frequently in the past seven years.
What is your highest certification level?
My highest qualification is rescue diver.
Is photography your full-time job?
It is not my job. I work as a biologist for the department of environment in Victoria.
Your favorite camera?
The only one I own—Sony a7R V.
Have you won any awards?
I did win a couple other awards but not for underwater photography. I was a category winner in the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year in 2019. I also got a few prizes in the Ecological Society of Australia, including the overall winner in 2023.
How did you get started in underwater photography?
I have always been fascinated by the underwater world. My first attempt at underwater photography was using one of those disposable film cameras over 20 years ago. More recently, I attended a Canon event where we could try it in a housing and I absolutely fell in love with it. I ended up buying my first housing not long after that.

Marcia RiedererGrand prize image is of a minke whale off Australia.
What's your favorite place to shoot underwater?
It is hard to choose but it has to be Lady Elliot Island. It is a tiny island in the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef where you can just walk out from the beach and swim in the most beautiful coral reef.
What's your most unforgettable moment underwater?
It is the time a minke whale came a meter away from me and looked into my eyes. I will never forget it.
What inspires your photography?
I would love to make a difference for ocean conservation. I feel if people know how beautiful and amazing it is underwater, it may impact some of their choices for the better.
How would you describe your photography style?
I love photographing animal behavior, as I think it tells a story about the species.
How did you develop this?
It may be due to my biological sciences background.
Related Reading: Ask a Pro Photographer: How Do You Edit Underwater Photos?
What's your #1 bucket-list dive destination?
I would love to go to Galapagos.
What underwater photographer do you most admire and why?
Alex Mustard. I love his images, his approach to wildlife and how generously he shares his knowledge.
Is there an emerging photographer you would like to give recognition to?
We have a strong underwater photography community in Melbourne. We share lots of support. They all deserve recognition, but to name one, Imogen Manins is a great emerging photographer who creates stunning images.
How do you choose which of your photos to enter in a photo contest?
That is the hardest part. I often use my gut feeling, and if in doubt I ask my always supportive partner for an honest opinion.
What's your advice for underwater shooters entering their first photo contest?
Always respect the wildlife and the environment you are shooting. For a photo, try to find a different angle or story from what you have already seen photographed.
Related Reading: Intro to Underwater Photo Composition